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Happy New Year!

I hope your week is going well. As your real estate agent, I have exclusive access to the DENVER REGION MLS, Please use this link to download my mobile app:   ReColorado If requested, here is the code to access my mobile app: 9BF29221. I also belong to the PIKES PEAK REGION MLS, Please use this link to download my mobile app: PPMLS If requested, here is the code to access my mobile app: B633855B.

Let me know if You or Anyone you know have any Real Estate needs now or in the near future.     

Ready for Your Next Move? Check Out Homes in Colorado
Discover your dream home. I belong to the Pikes Peak and ReColorado and Colorado Real Estate Network MLS's. Townsend Real Estate has the resources you need to make your next move.
Finding your next investment can be in the easy process. Let me help you streamline your goals into reality with my extensive experience and expertise anywhere in Colorado.
It is my pleasure to find you the home(s) you are looking for. If your dream isn't a reality yet, I work with builders all over our state.
I will develop the effective marketing plan, utilize my network of professionals throughout Colorado to maximize your equity.
Knowing what lender to use, what to offer, stipulations you may need in the contract; are just a few of the variables my experience can assist with.
Townsend Real Estate, Ltd.

"Bring your dreams, I'll find the home to put them in." - Ben Townsend

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Townsend Real Estate, Ltd. 
13395 Voyager Pkwy Ste 130-PMB864 Colorado Springs, CO 80921
